This Kumiko Lantern is a modern twist on a Traditional Japanese woodworking skill.
The Lantern is made from Sapele and Maple. Sapele is often called african mahogany and is an incredibly dense wood. The maple wood is an ambrosia maple. Ambrosia maple is very distinct with some streaking patterns caused by fungal infections from beetles that once lived in the tree. The maple pieces form the Asanoha pattern consisting of 34 pieces of wood individually cut with specific angles in mind to form a friction fit design that will be sure to impress in the home.
The central pillar features 262 RGB Led lights powered by a small micro pcb board and a wifi chip allowing for the configuration. The lamp itself can be controlled from your phone and can be configured to operate as a smart appliance. With a paper light diffuser the colours of the many lights blend together and create subtle shifts in color and tone in your home.